Ubold - Responsive Web App Kit

Ubold - Responsive Web App Kit

Ubold is a fully featured premium admin template built on top of awesome Bootstrap 3.3.6, modern web technology HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. It has many ready to use hand crafted components. The theme is fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to turn this theme into real web application.


  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Created using Bootstrap v3.3.6
  • Clean and intutive design
  • Fully Documented
  • Rich form,widgets,validation and wizard
  • 105+ Pages
  • 500+ UI Components
  • 110+ Charts(11 chart library)
  • 5+ Built in Apps
  • LESS Support
  • Error pages included
  • Stylish pricing page
  • 3000+ Font Icons
  • Sample CRM and eCommerce Application

Pages, Apps:

  • Dashboard
    • Dashboard 1
    • Dashboard 2
    • Dashboard 3
  • UI Kit
    • Buttons
    • Panels
    • Portlets
    • Checkbox-Radios
    • Tabs
    • Modals
    • Progress Bars
    • Notification
    • Images
    • Carousel
    • Sweet-Alert
    • Bootstrap UI
    • Typography
  • Components
    • Grid
    • Widgets
    • Nestable
    • Range Sliders
    • Sweet Alerts
    • Animation
    • Tree view (NEW)
    • Tour page (NEW)
  • Icons
    • Glyphicons
    • Material Design
    • Ion Icons
    • Font awesome
    • Themify Icons
    • Simple line Icons
    • Weather Icons
  • Forms
    • General Elements
    • Advanced Form
    • Form Validation
    • Form Pickers
    • Form Wizard
    • Form Masks
    • Summernote
    • Wysiwig Editors
    • Multiple File Upload
    • X-editable
    • Image Crop
  • Tables
    • Basic Tables
    • Data Table
    • Editable Table
    • Responsive Table
    • FooTable
    • Bootstrap Tables
  • Charts
    • Flot Chart
    • Morris Chart
    • Chartjs
    • Peity Charts
    • Chartist Charts
    • C3 Charts
    • Nvd3 Charts
    • Sparkline charts
    • Radial charts
    • Other Chart
  • Maps
    • Google maps
    • Vector maps
  • Pages
    • Starter Page
    • Login
    • Login v2
    • Register
    • Register v2
    • Signin – Signup
    • Recover Password
    • Lock Screen
    • Error 400
    • Error 403
    • Error 404
    • Error 404-alt
    • Error 500
    • Error 503
  • Extras
    • Profile
    • Timeline
    • Site map
    • Invoice
    • Email template
    • Maintenance
    • Coming-soon
    • FAQ
    • Search result
    • Gallery
    • Pricing
  • Apps
    • Email
      • Inbox
      • Compose Mail
      • Read Mail
    • Calendar
    • Contact
  • Layouts
    • Leftbar with User
    • Menu Collapsed
    • Small Menu
    • Header style
  • CRM
    • Dashboard
    • Contacts
    • Opportunities
    • Leads
    • Customers
  • eCommerce
    • Dashboard
    • Products
    • Product Detail
    • Orders
    • Sellers

Change Log

5. v1.5 (13 March, 2016)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added treeview page in component library- Added product tour- Updated datatable, added new table layout- Updated profile page with new layout- Added new widgets in ui library - added new social network related widgets- Updated Form (Advanced), added auto complete input- Fixed inbox page, made it more responsive for mobile devices4. v1.4 (04 February, 2016)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added a new color schemes i.e. flat(purple) and dark.3. v1.3 (16 January, 2016)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added a new layout with horizontal navigation- Added a new layout with dark sidebar (left bar navigation menu)- Removed loader from all page - many of our buyer requested to remove it- Fixed sidebar for mobile devices, now it will not be displayed by default. Previously this was taking some space on mobile devices.- Fixed issue in invoice pages, made it printer friendly- Fixed issue of fixed height with form wizard2. v1.2 (17 December, 2015)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added typicons font icons.Tablesaw table and Ricksaw charts.- Updated Bootstrap(v3.3.6),Datatable and Fontawesome (v4.5).- Fixed menu and other items was not clickable on Iphone and ipad. - Fixed menu item should be active when the page is opened.- Fixed for mobile, the sidebar menu should be expandable.1. v1.1 (November 22, 2015)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed issue with bootstrap table.- Fixed issue with datatable. Now it's responsive.- Added new color scheme. I called it dark layout.- Added loader. May be I remove it in next version.

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