Material Design Admin with AngularJS

Material Design Admin with AngularJS


Material admin is a Google Material Design inspired admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap and AngularJS.


  • Google Material Design
  • Material design admin template & landing page, 2 in 1
  • Powerful Layouts
  • Mutiple Color Schemes
  • Sass CSS
  • Work with jQuery
  • Nested Routing
  • Internationalization Support
  • Built with AngularJS & Bootstrap
  • Clean code with Angular Style Guide
  • Package mangement with Twitter Bower
  • Automation with Gulp
  • Responsive Design
  • Built with love



Version 1.2.3

- Feat: Replace Bourbon with autoPrefixer (no more manual CSS prefix)- Feat: Upgrade Bower components to latest version, including angular-bootstrap (1.3.x), font-awesome (4.6.x), angular-translate (2.11.x), ngmap (1.17.x)- Feat: Upgrade NPM packages to latest version- Fix: Fix fail to find ".btn-flat" CSS error- Docs: Update documentation- Chore: Clean up some unnecessary HTML markups 

Version 1.2.2 (03/28/2016)

- Feat(Landing): Optimize CSS style for mobile- Feat(Landing): Add Scss- Fix(Landing): Fix "top gray bar" bug on mobile- Fix(Landing): Hide brand text on small screen as there isn't enough room

Version 1.2.1 (03/08/2016)

- Feat: Upgrade Angular to 1.5.x- Feat: Upgrade Bower components to latest version, including jquery (2.2.x), Angular-bootstrap (1.2.x), angular-translate (2.10.x)- Feat: Optimize "gulp serve-dist" task to make it faster.- Fix: Fix "Sign up", "Sign in" pages not scrollable on mobile bug

Version 1.2.0 (02/05/2016)

- Feat: Add default "collapsed horizontal menu" layout support- Feat: Add Angular Wizard, using angular-wizard- Feat: Upgrade angular-bootstrap to 1.1.x- Feat: Upgrade other Bower components to latest version, including angular-trasnlate (2.9.x), textAngular (1.5.x)- Fix: Change angular form name to fix "property of undefined" error - Fix: Remove "fieldset" markup- Docs: Update documentation

Version 1.1.1 – (01/11/2016)

- Chore: Remove sparkline charts- Chore: Disable Bootstrap Glyphicons by default- Docs: Update documentation

Version 1.1.0 (01/10/2016)

- Feat: Add ECharts- Feat: Upgrade angular-ui-tree to latest version (2.13.x)- Fix: Remove Google map sensor parameter as it's no longer needed- Fix: Add SanitizeValueStrategy for angular-translate- Docs: Update documentation- Chore: Update i18n data- Chore: Remove Flot charts (use ECharts instead)- Chore: Remove Chart.js (use ECharts instead)- Chore: Remove EasyPieCharts (use ECharts instead)- Chore: Remove jvectormap- Chore: Remove toastr (use Material Toast instead)

Version 1.0.3 (12/23/2015)

- Feat: Upgrade angular-material to 1.0.x and update corresponding style- Feat: Upgrade ngmap, angular-ui-tree to latest version

Version 1.0.2 (12/05/2015)

- Feat: Upgrade bower components to latest version, including font-awesome (4.5.x), angular-scroll (1.0.x)- Chore: Temporarily lock angular-material to 1.0.0-rc2 (the style changes a lot now, gonna do an update after 1.0.0 release)

Version 1.0.1 (11/18/2015)

- Feat: Add material design landing page- Docs: Update documentation

Version 1.0.0 (11/15/2015)

- Initial release

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