IGNITE – An ultra-simple and extremely easy to use one page HTML5 template with Responsive & Retina ready layout. A perfect tool for anyone to create a very simple & sweet one page website – nothing complex about it

Featuring 4 project presentation layouts, Slider Revolution (Premium), Filterable Masonry / Isotope portfolio, Unlimited Colors, Easy to edit layout, Fullscreen Image Carousels, Fullscreen BG Video, Unlimited parallax layers, Parallax Showcase, Animated Elements, Google Web Fonts integrated and Unlimited Content Carousels & Sliders with Touch Support.
Also includes additional pages such as single project, news post, 404 pages etc. with a working contact form PHP email sending. A neatly explained user-guide is provided with 35+ pages (PDF)
All Features:
- One Page template with additional 3 project page variants. Also includes additional pages such as news post, 404 pages etc.
- Quickly loading template with unique design with simplicity & elegance at it’s level best.
- Perfectly responsive & mobile optimized (optimized & tested on iPhone 6+, 6, 5S, 5, 4S,4, iPad 4 retina, iPad Mini, Android on S3, S4, Windows Phone – Lumia)
- Slider Revolution (Premium Plugin with $14 Value) – Included
- Powered by LESS for easy color (supports unlimited colors) via single line of CSS
- Animated elements supporting 50+ effects from http://daneden.me/animate/
- Fullscreen Slideshow, Fullscreen carousel, Fullscreen BG Video from Youtube & Vimeo, Sliders with unique transition effects
- Unlimited parallax layers & Parallax showcase view
- Filterable Masonry / Isotope Portfolio with supports lightbox image gallery, lightbox video from youtube & vimeo as well as a single Project page
- Unlimited fonts supported via Google Web Fonts integrated and ready
- Fully working contact form with PHP Email sending feature.
- Powered by Bootstrap 3 responsive, mobile first framework
- In-depth documentation with a PDF user-guide having 35+ Pages and code preview demonstration
- Dedicated support from our team of experienced developers
Image Credits:
Live preview images are from:BEHANCE CC (Marco Di Stefano, & deutscheundjapaner)
Live preview images are NOT included in the pack nor we distribute them. instead we have added in-place (real) placeholder images instead.
Template Credits
Copyright(c) 2015 Designova, All rights reserved..
.A premium quality template from Designova