MatMix is a powerful and clean admin panel template for web entrepreneurs, app developers and site owners as this can be used for the admin part of any WEB ADMIN, CMS, CRM, ERP, WEB APPLICATION, APPLICATION SOFTWARE, ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE, SCHOOL MANAGEMENT, PAYROLL MANAGEMENT, POINT OF SALE any web based software’s admin panels. It is very easy to use and extremely easy to integrate.
Being powered by jQuery, less with cool plugins implemented in lots of separated HTML files and having 1000+ Font Icons with different styles, different widgets, customized charts, Notifications, tooltips this has become a complete admin panel for any kind of web presence.
Finally, as this has been developed keeping ‘easy to integrate’ method in mind, it surely won’t bother you whether you are skilled user of not implementing it into your admin part.Try MatMix Admin to make your admin panel powerful with lots of smart features and to get an optimized look for any simple or critical admin functionality.
Change Log
ver 1.2
---------------------------------------------ver 1.2 Released ( 13th August 2015 )---------------------------------------------[+] advanced-form-elements.html is includedin 01_List-Menu-View folder that was missing in previous version.
ver 1.1
---------------------------------------------ver 1.1 Released ( 25th July 2015 )======PAGES:======[+] Dashboard-01 - dashboard-01.html[+] Dashboard-02 - dashboard-02.html[+] Dashboard-03 - dashboard-03.html[+] Mailbox Page - inbox.html[+] Note Page - note.html[+] Task Page - task.html[+] Stats Widgets Page - widgets.html[+] Signup - signup.html[+] Easy Pie Chart - easy-pie.html---------------------------------------------========JS Update========/js/layout.init.js/js/matmix.init.js==========Less Update==========/less/matmix-widgets.less/less/inbox.less/less/note.less/less/task.less---------------------------------------------
Initial Release
---------------------------------------------Initial Release ( 23rd July 2015 )---------------------------------------------

1.0 Layout Styles 1.1 Leftbar / .left-aside 1.2 Iconic Left Nav / .iconic-view .left-aside 1.3 Top Bar / .top-bar 1.3.0 Search Bar / .desktop-search 1.3.1 Notification / .notification-nav 1.3.2 Admin User Drop Down / .user-nav 1.4 Right Bar / .right-aside2.0 Widgets and Components =========== BOX WIDGETS =========== 2.1 Box Widget / .box-widget 2.1.0 Border Less Box Widget / =========== TAB WIDGETS =========== 2.2 Main Tab / .main-tab 2.2.0 Section Tab / .tab-widget 2.2.1 Box Tab / .box-tab 2.2.2 Bottom Tab / .tab-bottom 2.2.3 Left Tab / .tab-widget 2.3 Bootstrap Elements 2.4 Progress / .progress 2.5 Breadcrumb / .page-breadcrumb 2.6 Notifications / .activity-item 2.7 switchery On/Off Switch / .switchery 2.8 No UI slider / .noUi-target 2.9 Sweet Alert / .sweet-alert 2.10 MatMix Widgets 2.11 Full Calendar 2.12 Timeline 2.13 Login Page 2.14 Error Page 2.15 Invoice3.0 Plugins 3.1 Forms 3.1.1 Basic Forms / .input-instruction 3.1.2 iCheck / .icheckbox_minimal 3.1.3 select2-bootstrap / .select2-container 3.1.4 MentionsInput / .mentions-input-box 3.1.5 wysiwyg / .note-editor 3.1.6 TagsInput / div.tagsinput 3.1.7 Spinner / .bootstrap-touchspin 3.1.8 Selectize / .selectize-dropdown 3.1.9 Datepicker / .datepicker 3.1.10 DateRangePicker / .daterangepicker.dropdown-menu 3.1.11 Colorpicker / Bootstrap Colorpicker 3.2 Tables 7.2.1 Data Tables 7.2.2 Responsive Stack Tables 3.3 Loadmask4.0 Common Styles5.0 Pages 5.1 Inbox / .inbox-container 5.1.1 Compose Form / .compose-form 5.2 Note / .inbox-container 5.3 Task / .task-container 5.4 Forum / .forum-container6.0 Responsive7.0 Matmix Theme Colors
Features List
- Super Responsive
- Made for all purpose
- Retina Ready
- Iconic View and List Menu View
- Well and Detailed Documented
- Different Dashboard style
- Lots of cool Widget
- Customized Flot Chart
- Customized Sparkline Chart
- Customized Easy Pie Chart
- Customized Event Calendar
- Responsive Data Tables
- Exportable Data Tables
- BootBox Modal
- Cool Typography
- Sweet Alerts
- Cool Selectbox
- Nice Dropdown
- jQuery noty
- Cool UI slider
- Tags Input
- Text Editor
- Modal and Dialoge
- Full Calendar
- Advanced Form Elements
- Advanced Form Validation
- Collapsible Widget
- Syntax Highlighter
- On/Off Switchery
- Individual Forum Template
- Mailbox
- Task Management
- Note
- AND many more +