Maverick is a carefully designed admin template that is built from the ground up to be developer-friendly. With its modern design and coding that follows the best practices for AngularJS web apps, Maverick is ready to be the starting point for your next big project.
Maverick uses Bower and Grunt to make development and deployment a breeze. The styling is written in clean and organized LESS.
- Responsive Design
- Fast Single Page Application built with AngularJS
- Bower packages for front-end dependency management
- Grunt for hassle-free deployment
- Layered PSD file
- Advanced panel controls built with AngularJS
- Programmable menu system with search functionality
- Customizable animations and page transitions
- Detailed documentation with code snippets
Plugins & modules
- Angular
- Angular Animate
- Angular Route
- Modernizr
- jQuery
- Underscore.js
- Bootstrap
- bootstrap-slider.js
- angular-ui-bootstrap
- jQuery UI
- jQuery Easing
- Flot
- Angular UI Tree
- jQVMap
- ng-grid
- angular-xeditable
- iCheck
- google-code-prettify
- bootbox.js
- jQuery Autosize
- jQuery.pulsate.js
- jQuery Knob
- jQuery Sparkline
- flow.js
- ng-flow
- jQuery
- Shuffle.js
- PNotify
- angular-nanoscroller
- Rangy
- textAngular
- angular-ui-grid
- transitionize
- fastclick
- switchery
- ng-switchery
- ng-sortable
- angular-meditor
- ui-select
- Skycons
- angular-skycons
- bootstrap-daterangepicker
- jquery.easy-pie-chart
- bootstrap-colorpicker
- jQuery Fullscreen Editor
- fileinput.js
- jquery.flot.spline
- Glyphicons
- Font Awesome
- Animate.css
- nvd3
- oclazyload
- skylo
- bootstrap-datepicker.js
- bootstrap-datepaginator
We’re committed to providing long-term support to the best of our abilities.Changelog
v1.0.4 – 29th Feb 2016Fixed Drag and drop bug on webkitUpdated card element stylesAdded placeholder images on download packagev1.0.3 – 13th June 2015
Fixed issues with panel controls in FFAdded faux offcanvas effect on sidebarFixed ngGrid stylingImproved responsivenessAdded page content animationv1.0.2 – 26th May 2015
Added email templatesFixed styling issues in boxed layoutFixed styling of meditor toolbarv1.0.1 – 10th May 2015
Fixed navigation visibility on small screensNestable demo fixedFixed infobar/sidebar top positionsFixed dragImage position on ngSortablev1.0.0 – 7th May 2015
Initial Release